7 research outputs found

    From conflict of discourses to military conflict: multimodality of identity construction in Russo-Ukrainian war discourse

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    This study is an attempt to grasp the discursive nature of Russo-Ukrainian war. The critical discourse analysis of the conflicting ways  Russian and Ukrainian identities are constructed in discourse and by discourse can shed light onto the covert reasons of the unprovoked military aggression Russia has been executing against Ukraine. Our assumptions are based on the idea that identity is a manifold of stances taken by individual as well as collective speakers in various situations of communication. Having epistemic and affective dimensions, stances are inherently interactive, and, thus, have a collective or social nature. Generally speaking, conflictual stances, built in war discourse, express national, political, or sociological worldviews of the stance-takers, reflecting their ideologies, values, and beliefs. The way people see the conflict differs according to what "frames" they choose to see it through. In this study, the frames circumscribing Ukrainian and Russian conflictual identities, as they are built in Ukrainian and Russian media discourse, including social media, have been deconstructed and analyzed. As there are diverse semiotic systems that are used to create, transmit and understand meanings (e.g., verbal and non-verbal, written and oral, visual and audial) various modalities employed in the process of discursive construction of these identities were taken into consideration

    Cognitive dynamics of stancetaking in risk discourse situation

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    This article studies the cognitive dynamics of stancetaking in the discourse situations associated with risky behaviour and perilous decisions. The objective of this work is to find out what linguistic and cognitive mechanisms are used by speech participants to conceptualise a discourse situation as a situation of risk, and analyse the ways the stances on the discussed problem (here, the risk of addicting to FACEBOOK, as well as other social networks) are taken by discourse partners under different circumstances and varying communicative conditions. The overall theoretical framework for the study synthesises socio-constructionist and socio-cognitive approaches to discourse analysis of risk and stance. In the post-modernist model, speakers use discourse to construct versions of the world which are variable, functional and consequential. Gilles Fauconnier’s mental spaces theory (1994, 1997) served a methodological tool for re-assembling the ways stances on risks are taken in discourse interaction. Risk-taking has always been an integral part of human behaviour. We are constantly forced to make decisions that lead us towards unknown or uncertain consequences that can be potentially hazardous or even life-threatening. The study shows that the field of risk-taking in everyday life is extremely wide, embracing a diverse range of spheres such as household activities, gambling, sports, finance, medicine, technology or politics. Because risk pervades such a substantial part of our lives, it can be claimed as one of the fundamental concepts of the human conceptual system, thus, cognitive mechanisms of risk conceptualisation, as well as the linguistic ways of discursive stancetaking on risk have been determined, analysed and described in the present research

    Manipulative use of risk as a stance in political communication

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    As in many other areas of life, the notion of risk has recently become central to discourses related to politics. This research paper shows how political and media representatives use the notion of risk in their rhetoric, making it an important part of and a powerful resource for manipulation. It is demonstrated how stances taken by speakers on different political issues reflect their social, political and moral views, showing that risk has become a common construct around which a political situation in the modern world is described, organized and practiced. In most general terms stance is understood here as the way of expression one’s viewpoint concerning the object of interaction, which in this study is risk. The theoretical background of the research is situated within socially constructivist approaches to discourse analysis. We argue that risk has become one of the defining social and cultural characteristics of modern society. The research focuses on the ways stances on risks are constructed at the linguistic level, by means of certain structural and formal qualities, and on how these linguistic features are related to social interaction under the conditions of political, moral, economic and social crisis in Ukraine

    Практикум зі стилістики англійської мови

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    Навчальний посібник пропонує детальні плани семінарських практичних занять зі стилістики англійської мови. План кожного семінару включає перелік теоретичних питань, широкий спектр практичних завдань та завдання для самостійної роботи.Навчальний посібник «Практикум зі стилістики англійської мови» призначений для студентів четвертого курсу Східноєвропейського національного університету, що навчаються за спеціальністю «Мова і література (англійська). Переклад». Посібник відповідає вимогам робочої програми з предмета, укладеної згідно з навчальним планом факультету іноземної філології СНУ імені Лесі Українки та з урахуванням рекомендацій МОН України до предметної підготовки зі спеціальності 035 «Філологія»

    East European Journal Of Psycholinguistics

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    East European Journal of Psycholinguistics is an international double-blind peerreviewed academic periodical published semiannually. The aim of the journal is to provide a forum for scholars to share, foster, and discuss globally various new topics and advances in different fields of modern psycholinguistics. The journal publishes original manuscripts covering but not limited to the following theoretical and applied fields of psycholinguistics: Bilingualism Clinical Psycholinguistics Cognitive Linguistics Cognitive Psychology Discourse Analysis Forensic Linguistics First and Second/Foreign Language Acquisition Neurolinguistics Pragmatics Psychology of Language and Speech Sociolinguistics Translation Studie

    Stancetaking in Contemporary English Risk Discourse

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    У дисертації окреслено межі нового напряму лінгвістичних досліджень – соціокогнітивної дискурсології, теоретичні засади якої дозволили всебічне вивчення позиціювання суб’єкта в сучасному англомовному дискурсі ризику. Інтегруючи в собі риси безпосередньої та опосередкованої дискурсивної діяльності, позиціювання розглядається як суб’єктно-міжсуб’єктний феномен, що поєднує мікро- і макрорівні дискурсивної інтеракції. Встановлено особливості лінгвокогнітивної динаміки дискурсивної поведінки суб’єктів та виокремлено прагмаінтеракційні механізми узгодження ними суб’єктних позицій в обставинах комунікативної ситуації ризику. Схарактеризовано стратегії позиціювання суб’єктів та виявлено соціосеміотичний потенціал їх прагмариторичної реалізації в умовах метакомунікативної ситуації ризику. Комплексний аналіз позиціювання уможливив визначення типології ситуативних ідентичностей суб’єктів комунікативної (схильний до ризику, або обережний суб’єкт) та метакомунікативної (експерт, дилетант, медіатор) ситуацій ризику.This dissertation offers a new socio-cognitive approach to discourse studies, allowing a multifaceted exploration of stance and stancetaking in contemporary English risk discourse. Integrating features of immediate and mediated discursive activities, stancetaking is seen here as both a subjective and an intersubjective discourse phenomenon, linking micro- and macro-levels of discourse interaction. The thesis examines linguistic and cognitive dynamics of stancetaking in communicative situations of risk and identifies the pragmatic interactional mechanisms used by the speakers for the alignment of their stances. The study characterizes stancetaking strategies in metacommunicative situations of risk outlining the sociosemiotic potential of their pragmatic and rhetorical realization. Complex analysis of the stancetakers’ speech behavior provides a basis for establishing a typology of their situational identities, constructed in the conditions of communicative (risky or cautious) and metacommunicative (layman, expert, mediator) situations of risk

    Стилістика англійської мови: програма нормативної навчальної дисципліни

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    Програма навчальної дисципліни “Стилістика англійської мови” складена відповідно до освітньо-професійної програми підготовки бакалавр галузі знань 01 Освіта, напряму підготовки 014 Середня освіта (Англійська мова)